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April 27, 2012

USA: Islamorada new sailfish record with 47 sailfish

Capt. Scott Stanczyk aboard the Catch 22 with mates Hunter and Gunner, along with the party from the UK, consisting of Bernie Forshaw, Roger Wikberg, Kevan Lee, and Steve Smith, combined for 47 sailfish releases on 4-25-12! The previous record at the marina was 24 releases, which was almost doubled today! Capt. Scott has been fishing over 30 years and this is a day that will go down in the history books. They weren't the only ones to have great fishing either. Capt. George on the Reel McCoy set his personal best as a captain today releasing 22 sailfish and keeping 2 cobias including a fat 56 lber! Capt. Nick Stanczyk on the BNM also set his personal best record as a Captain putting his anglers on 18 sailfish releases and keeping 3 cobias up to 36 lbs. These days are few and far between, and only a few lucky charters may experience something like this in their lifetime. CONGRATS!!! The last few days the reef fishing for yellowtail snapper has been pretty good, with quite a few nice fish over 2 lbs, and a couple over 4 lbs. The dolphin have been scarce the last couple days with the north wind, but hopefully will show back up when it swings back to the east. The amberjacks have been good too, which are always fun for a big pull.

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