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February 25, 2017
WORLD RECORDS: hot catches February 2017
Angler Nick Dulleck caught and released the potential new All-Tackle world record spotted bass (Micropterus punctulatus) on February 12th while fishing New Bullard’s Bar Reservoir in California, USA. Dulleck’s catch weighed in at an impressive 5.1 kg (11 lb 4 oz), and he needed only a few minutes to land the fish after it hit the jig he was using. Dulleck successfully released the potential record after it was properly weighed and documented, and if approved it will be the heaviest spotted bass ever recorded by the IGFA. The current IGFA record is 4.71 kg (10 lb 6 oz).
Aussie angler Wendy Lee-Ann Rolleston potentially set the new women’s 10 kg (20 lb) line class world record barramundi (Lates calcarifer) on January 14th while fishing Lake Proserpine, Australia. Rolleston needed only 5 minutes to subdue the barra after it hit the Richos lure she was trolling. If approved, her 10.7 kg (23 lb 10 oz) barramundi will easily replace the existing record in the new women’s 10 kg (20 lb) line class world category, which currently sits at 5 kg (11 lb 1 oz).
While fishing from Delray Beach, Florida, USA on the night of February 11th, angler Joseph Ferguson landed something completely unexpected – a potential world record permit (Trachinotus falcatus) that tipped the scales at an incredible 22.11 kg (48 lb 12 oz). Ferguson battled the hard-fighting permit for nearly 30 minutes after it ate the live crab he was using for bait. If approved, the catch will become the new Male Junior record, which currently stands at 20.86 kg (46 lb).
Kiwi angler Donna Pascoe caught and released this 138 cm southern yellowtail (Seriola lalandi) on January 16th while fishing off King Bank, New Zealand. Pascoe, an experienced angler, needed only 15 minutes to best the stubborn yellowtail after it crushed the live jack mackerel she was fishing on heavy conventional tackle. Once landed, the fish was quickly measured, documented, tagged, and released alive to grow even bigger! If approved, the catch will earn Pascoe the new All-Tackle Length world record, which currently stands at 135 cm.
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February 18, 2017
VIDEO: incredible sight fishing for big black drum
In this episode of Blacktip H Youtube video, Josh joins Capt. Jamie Glasner to go sight fishing for giant black drums off the coast of Florida.
They used a drone to find the school of black drum. There were hundreds of fish in this massive school.
February 14, 2017
ITALY: record size 265 lbs wels catfish caught
He was able to land and release a fish of over 265 pounds for a length of 8.8 feet.

Here a short video of the catch:
February 11, 2017
GABON: caught a world record 326 pound tarpon!
This could be a new potential world record tarpon...but is still a mystery.
This photo of a potential 326 lbs (147 kilos) world record tarpon has been making rounds on the webfor the past few days. However, very little is known about the fish.
The "International Tarpon Conservation Association" shared the photo claiming that fish was caught in Olende, Gabon, Africa. This huge fish was hooked using an artificial lure and was eventually released.
Unfortunately the fish was unable to be accurately weighed on a scale, but measurements of the fish were taken. According to the measurements taken by the anglers, the fish weighed in at a whopping 326 pounds.
Although this is the only photo that can be found of the fish, I must admit that it does look to be about that size.
The International Tarpon Conservation Association is doing what they can to dig up more information on the catch. As of now, these are all the details that have been uncovered.
I would not be surprised to find out that all the facts on this fish are indeed true. Since Africa is known for its extremely large tarpon, it is totally possible that this fish was actually landed and measured the way they reported it to have been.
February 04, 2017
US: caught a 49" muski while ice fishing
The Iowa great lakes are know for producing some giant muski, in particular the Spirit Lake.
Angler Mike Fogarty had a great day ice fishing when hooked an huge fish.
Fogarty was enjoying time fishing with his family and was about to pack things up for the day. It was just then that one of his rattle reels started running. It didn’t take long for Fogarty to realize there was no ordinary little pan fish on the other end.
Eventually, the family stood around looking at a whopping 49″ muskie. Because muskies aren’t in season, they removed the hook, snapped a couple quick photos, and released the giant back through the ice.
The fish measured 26 inches around. For reference, the circumference of an 8 inch ice hole is just 25.12″.
FLORIDA: caught a 10 foot mako shark from the shore
The past week a fishing team of military veterans landed a 10 foot mako shark from a beach in Navarre, Florida.
It is a very rare catch, in fact, mako sharks are almost never caught from shore. the huge fish was caught after a two-hour struggle by Chester Gamble, co-founder of the group, "American Yakers".
To bait the large shark, a hooked slab of king mackerel was paddled nearly a half-mile from shore via kayak.
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