According with the a fishermen group, they were approaching a school of permit, while this big hammerhead shark arrived just under the boat.
The web site for best sportfishing news and reports from all over the world.
April 30, 2013
USA: 400 plus pound hammerhead in this video
According with the a fishermen group, they were approaching a school of permit, while this big hammerhead shark arrived just under the boat.
USA: 9 foot sand tiger shark video
April 29, 2013
NORWAY: giant 100 plus lb Atlantic Cod landed!
Probably the biggest Atlantic cod of the last 20 yeas was landed in north Norway. Last week German angler Michael Eisele hooked the monster cod off Breivik Fjord in the island of Soroya. This world record size fish was 103 pound - 47 kilo and 160 cm of length.
April 26, 2013
CAPE VERDE: hot Arpil marlin action
Zak Conde:We fished off San Nicolau island, Santo Antao Island and the North West Bank and caught nine Blue Marlin in the last eight days well up to 500 lbs
Olaf Grimkowski: yesterday we went to the North West Bank again and on the way there we caught a 175 pound Bigeye tuna.
Fishing on the bank we only raised 1 fish that didn’t switch and had a bite on the way home. Instead two days ago we caught 2 from 2 on pitch-baits and raised 4 more blue marlin that didn’t switch.
At the beginning of the week we went to the North West Bank today and caught four blue marlin around 300 - 400 pounds on pitch-baits and we had one bite of a 550 pound marlin and raised two more which one was a monster in the grander class but it didn’t bite the bait.
FRANCE: giant 100 pound common carp caught!
The huge fish was 100 lb and 8 oz very very close to the World Record. While the current record for the species overall is 101 lb and 4 oz. Back then it was just 7 oz shy of the world record, but did take for sure the French record.
It seems that it’s not the first time the fish has been caught, probably it came out two years ago weighing around 88 lb when it was caught by angler Damian Clarke.
POLAND: 4th Poland Salmon Trolling Masters
During the three days trolling near the towns of Jastarnia and Hel more than 40 salmons between 6 and 16 kilo have been caught!
It was a debut for teams Dragon and Salmo so they are happy with results - 5th and 6th places. During the tournament were of tested the new Salmo trolling spoon - two salmons caught on this new lure is a good sign for the future!
April 22, 2013
UK: angler missed record skate because release it!
He hooked the 106 kg - 235 lb monster at 500 feet below the sea off Oban in north Scotland.
This huge monster size skate’s was a really beautiful fish. And the skipper said it’s a new British record. But rules say fish must be killed and weighed on land.
But David decided not to kill a fish for a piece of paper so he decided to release it!
April 21, 2013
USA: giant warsaw grouper of 358 pound
April 20, 2013
ECUADOR: Galapagos marlin report of April
Continuing our tradition of bringing anglers and some of the best marlin fishing together this last week has been no exception. Conditions continue with wonderful weather most days. Calm seas and water temps ranging from 74 to 77 in most areas. Marlin action has been decent most of the week.
April 15, 2013 the Patricia reported fishing on Bank 0-30 for a day with Brazilian anglers. Captain Yury Gutierrez said the day was nice with 3 to 5 foot seas. Fishing on the bank they released 1 out of 2 striped marlin that bit. They had some nice big eye tunas that averaged 50 lb and a couple of dorado. Around 2 pm they hooked and landed a black marlin estimated around 500 lb.
April 16, 2013 Wayne Hanson and Margie Hanson headed out onboard the Big Fish to Rosa Blanca Bank. There was very little life and bait on the bank and only a 45 lb big eye was caught this day.
April 17, 2013 fishing on 88 Bank with the Hansons they went 4 out of 6 striped marlin ranging 150 to 190 lb each fish. Wayne and Margie each released 2 nice stripeys and Margie lost a 3rd 20 feet from the boat. The seas were 3 to 5 but very nice day and it was fun filled day
April 18, 2013 again the Hansons headed out on the Big Fish and wanted to try their luck at blue marlin. We fished near Punta Pit on the north drop of the island. Wayne's fish hit around 12:21 and was a very nice black marlin estimated around 700 lb. The fight lasted about an hour. Shortly after the fish was caught Margie Hanson hooked a beautiful blue of about 500 lb. She did a great job catching that stubborn blue in 1 hour 21 minutes.
April 19, 2013 - On board the Big Fish Margie and Wayne Hanson shared their last day by fishing 88 Bank. When we arrived on the bank we were greeted by a large tuna over 300 lb that slammed a bridge teaser. At the same time almost a striped marlin came in the spread but did not hook up. As the day went a total of 8 stripeys were raised with 3 bites and one release by Margie.
April 19, 2013
ARGENTINA: Terra del Fuego trout report
The past season on The Rio Grande river has been classified as a normal good year. Any way the impressive records demonstrate how easily perspective is lost down here:
There were 3,029 sea trout landed, weighed and measured at the two lodges
The largest fish of the season was a magnificent 28.5 lb - 12.90 kilo male
Anglers landed an average of 17.42 fish during their visits, almost 3 per day
Fish averaged 8.95 pound
484 trout were over 15 pound and 110 tipped the scales at over 20 pound
Anglers Bob Mead and Bill Klesser set a new benchmark by landing 31 fish in one morning in mid-February
NORWAY: winter fishing video for monster cod
April 18, 2013
USA: huge brown trout in Vermont
No weight and length was provided but could be well over 15 lb.
IRELAND: 9 pound sea trout
Last week there were some wild days on Lough Currane and in one of them all the fishing boats on the north side were blown off the lake.
But the same couldn’ t be said on the south side, where angler Van Der laan
, from Holland, fishing with his fishing guide
Wharton erence, caught the first nice Sea Trout of the season, while trolling: this trout weight 9 lbs.
April 16, 2013
USA: a 1,000 lb white shark caught in Florida
A big white shark estimated to measure 13 or 14 feet and weigh between 850 - 1,000 pounds was caught and released last Tuesday off Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
The anglers aboard the "Hooked Up" fought the massive shark for around 2 hours. The crew expected to see a bull shark at the end of the line because white shark catches are rare off Florida.
"No one knew what it was until we got it to the boat," said Taco Perez, who owns the charter boat, "I've been fishing here since 1969 and Greg and I saw one three years ago. It's so darn uncommon. We're pretty excited about it."
The anglers aboard the "Hooked Up" fought the massive shark for around 2 hours. The crew expected to see a bull shark at the end of the line because white shark catches are rare off Florida.
"No one knew what it was until we got it to the boat," said Taco Perez, who owns the charter boat, "I've been fishing here since 1969 and Greg and I saw one three years ago. It's so darn uncommon. We're pretty excited about it."

Capt. McCauley was at the helm of "Hooked Up", which was at a depth of less of 200 feet when the shark took a butterflied small tuna that was being trolled beneath a kite.
April 14, 2013
MEXICO: spectacular underwater marlin video
FRANCE: northern pike of 39 pound
The first one was landed by Melvyn Parent with a fish of 17,700 kg and with a length of 120 cm
The second one was fished by angler named Nicolas, with a pike of 17,420 kg and with a lenght of 1,19 m.
Both fishes were released.
USA: 77 lb flathead catfish caught in Phoenix
A big flathead catfish was landed in Phoenix in Arizona's probably the heaviest ever recorded here.
The "State Game and Fish" officials report that, on Bartlett Lake northwest of Phoenix, angler Eddie Wilcoxson was sleeping on his 25 foot wood pontoon boat early last week end when a big flathead catfish began taking drag.
About 40 minutes later, Eddie boated what officials say is a nearly 77 pound flathead catfish.
It measured more than 54 inches in total length with a nearly 34 inch girth.
This fish seems to be heaviest recorded fish of any species in state history, topping the 74-pound flathead catfish caught in late 1988 out of the Colorado River,
Eddie flathead catfish beat the previous inland waters state record set in 2003 with a nearly 72 pound fathead caught at San Carlos Lake.
April 13, 2013
COSTA RICA: 90 plus pound amberjack
The "Explorer", infact caught the biggest Amberjack ever seen here on April 10 with Bradford Kuhns and young Thomas Donnelly. This monster amberjack was estimated to weigh 90plus pound
April 12, 2013
PUERTO RICO: huge 585 pound swordfish
They landed a 585 lbs - 265 kg swordfish, which is probably one of the largest ever caught off the Island. Angler Rivera Maria fought and boated this huge fish on 80 lbs tackle.
HAWAII: great shark attack video
The footage shows the shark attacking the fish at the water's surface, just 8- or 10 feet from the kayak...
IRELAND: huge 115 lb skate froma small boat
We went out to the place for the last hour or so of the ebb, then hopefully fish the whole flood tide up to 8.00 pm.
We all stuck down a skate bait and it wasn’t long before my rod nearly got pulled from the holder. The fish just took off, never had one run so quickly from the off. The fish was giving a very good account of itself, and the longer the fight went on the wind started to pick up
After nearly two hours the big skate finally appeared at the side of the boat and was safely gaffed and brought aboard measured and tagged it turned out to be a 115 lb - 52 kilo.
April 10, 2013
USA: mako shark of over 550 lb caught from the shore
Will fought the huge fish for around 45 minute that resulted in a prized great mako catch.
He beached a behemoth mako shark measuring 10 feet, 8 inches in length with a sixty inch girth.
According to some weight estimate formulas, a mako measuring 10 feet to the fork of the tail with a 60 inch girth would weigh 550 pounds.
As for the exact location where he landed the huge shark will remain a big secret.
Catching sharks from the beach at night is a popular fishing sport in Florida.
USA: new Kansas record for blue catfish
In fact Stefanie Stanley, reeled in a 82 pound blue catfish at Milford Reservoir in Kansas the past weeknd. Rich Witt, (Catfish Chasers tournament iowner) said that probably it is the largest blue catfish ever caught at Milford, and the largest from any lake in Kansas.
As big as it is, though, it was about twenty pounds shy of her tournament partner and husband’s best-ever blue catfish. He holds the current state record for blue catfish at 102 pounds 8 oz, caught from the Missouri River last year in August.
“She has the biggest ever from a lake here, and he has the biggest from any Kansas river,” Witt said. “Those are some big nice fish.”
According to the anglers, the big fish was released alive back into the lake.
Catching blue catfish between 20 and 40 pounds is now common at some lakes, like Milford and Melvern Reservoirs.
IGFA: hot catches news April 2013
Here all the hot catches news of April
IGFA Captain Yann Colas has been guiding anglers out of Mauritius for years. During his time on this island nation in the Indian Ocean, he has put anglers on some amazing catches – the most recent being a dogtooth tuna (Gymnosanda unicolor) that tipped the scales at 28.5 kg (62 lb 13 oz). French angler Cecile Klein was slow trolling a live bonito off Rodrigues Island, Mauritius on March 5, 2013 when the toothy tuna nailed the bait and started peeling line off her Shimano 50W. After a tough 15 minute fight, the 11 year old Cecile was able to subdue this potential female Junior angler record. The existing IGFA record, also caught in Mauritius, currently stands at 23 kg (50 lb 11 oz).
California native Gary Bulla was fishing off Cerralvo Island, Mexico on March 17, 2013 when he landed a 15.82 kg (34 lb 14 oz) California yellowtail (Seriola lalandi) while fly casting with local guide Valente Lucero. After eating a custom sardina fly, Bulla’s yellowtail pulled him around the Pacific Ocean for an hour and a half before being boated. With the current men’s 8 kg (16 lb) tippet class record standing at 14.51 kg (32 lb), Bulla’s fish qualifies him for the potential new men’s 8 kg (16 lb) tippet class record.
While fishing the Black Warrior River in central Alabama on February 28th, James R. Bramlett landed a massive landlocked striped bass (Morone saxatilis) that could earn him the new All-Tackle record. Bramlett, a native of Alabama, pulled up to his fishing spot at around 11 am and immediately noticed big stripers busting schools of shad on top of the water. He quickly hooked a live shad and tossed it in the vicinity of the action. Bramlett’s outfit was soon slammed and he knew he was hooked up with a quality fish. After a 30 minute fight on 30 lb tackle, Bramlett landed the catch of a lifetime that tipped the scales at 31.55 kg (69 lb 9 oz). The existing IGFA record is 30.61 kg (67 lb 8 oz).
IGFA Captain Yann Colas has been guiding anglers out of Mauritius for years. During his time on this island nation in the Indian Ocean, he has put anglers on some amazing catches – the most recent being a dogtooth tuna (Gymnosanda unicolor) that tipped the scales at 28.5 kg (62 lb 13 oz). French angler Cecile Klein was slow trolling a live bonito off Rodrigues Island, Mauritius on March 5, 2013 when the toothy tuna nailed the bait and started peeling line off her Shimano 50W. After a tough 15 minute fight, the 11 year old Cecile was able to subdue this potential female Junior angler record. The existing IGFA record, also caught in Mauritius, currently stands at 23 kg (50 lb 11 oz).
California native Gary Bulla was fishing off Cerralvo Island, Mexico on March 17, 2013 when he landed a 15.82 kg (34 lb 14 oz) California yellowtail (Seriola lalandi) while fly casting with local guide Valente Lucero. After eating a custom sardina fly, Bulla’s yellowtail pulled him around the Pacific Ocean for an hour and a half before being boated. With the current men’s 8 kg (16 lb) tippet class record standing at 14.51 kg (32 lb), Bulla’s fish qualifies him for the potential new men’s 8 kg (16 lb) tippet class record.
While fishing the Black Warrior River in central Alabama on February 28th, James R. Bramlett landed a massive landlocked striped bass (Morone saxatilis) that could earn him the new All-Tackle record. Bramlett, a native of Alabama, pulled up to his fishing spot at around 11 am and immediately noticed big stripers busting schools of shad on top of the water. He quickly hooked a live shad and tossed it in the vicinity of the action. Bramlett’s outfit was soon slammed and he knew he was hooked up with a quality fish. After a 30 minute fight on 30 lb tackle, Bramlett landed the catch of a lifetime that tipped the scales at 31.55 kg (69 lb 9 oz). The existing IGFA record is 30.61 kg (67 lb 8 oz).
April 08, 2013
CHINA: strange unknow sea creature found
This strange and mysterious creature seems to be an unknown kind of shark.
The vertebral column with skull, measuring 11 feet 5 inches in length.
April 06, 2013
ITALY: huge northern pike of 40 lb
April 04, 2013
HAWAII: pending world record marlin landed
The last week of March leading up to the full moon saw height big Blue Marlin over 500 pound mark caught.
This included both a Grander Blue Marlin for boat "Fire Hat"t as well as a new pending women’s "IGFA World Record" ( for Capt. Chip Van Mols and angler Alex Nuttal for their 958 pound.
The current record was 950 caught in Mauritius Islands 1994
This big Blue Marlin was caught on 130 lb tackle. Here below all the big blue caught last week in Hawaii:
Monkey Biz II – 958 lbs. Sea Baby III – 798 lbs. Northern Lights – 675 lbs.
Fire Hatt – 1,058 lbs. Integrity – 650 lbs. Blue Hawaii – 500 lbs.
April 02, 2013
ITALY: hot action on Po river
Lot of action on Po river in northern Italy. Junior angler Nikita caught this beautiful zander of 95 cm and 22 lb - 11 kg the first day of fishing.
The second day to Andy Waller camp Nikita caught a wels catfish of 7.7 feet - 231cm form an estimated weight of around 200 lb - 90 kg
ANGOLA: huge guinean barracuda
April 01, 2013
PANAMA: an other huge snook ove 50 lb
The lucky angler was Manuel Zambrano Dufau that caught this huge 53 lb 24 kg snook.
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