Joung angler Hayley Henry was fishing off her hometown of Homestead, Florida, USA when she boated a huge permit (Trachinotus falcatus) after it ate the live crab she cast to it.
Nearly an hour later, the exhausted young angler subdued the fish under the direction of her guide and father, Anton Henry. Weighing in at an impressive 18,50 kilo (40 lbs 13 oz.), Hayley qualifies for the potential new IGFA "Female Junior record". The current record stands at 14.51 kg (32 lb).
Many trout anglers never see a fish over 20 lb. Catching a fish weighing over 22 kg (45 lbs) is only a dream. But for angler Kandoff Otwin, that dream came true on past March when he hooked an enormous brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) with a silver spoon in the Ohau Canal, New Zealand. Using only 4 kilo (8 lbs) line, Kandoff needed 20 minutes to land this potential new All-Tackle record brown that tipped the scales at a whopping 19,10 kg (42 lb 1 oz.) – beating the existing record by more than 1/2 a pound.
Fly fishing maestro Tom Evans Jr.
of Grafton, Vermont, USA recently returned from New Zealand with
another amazing potential record catch to his name. While fishing
with Capt. Darren Hayden out of Whangaroa on March 19th, Evans
hooked up to a 240 lb 15 oz striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax)
on fly rod! After the teased up fish inhaled Evans’ well-presented
custom fly, the experienced angler needed 45 minutes to subdue his
pending men’s 10 kg (20 lb) tippet class record. The existing
record stands at 96 kg (211 lb 10 oz).

Californian angler Bob Gaines
was fishing the famed Pyramid Lake, Nevada, USA on April 2nd
when he landed a beautiful cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki)
on fly rod. A well placed cast with a red glitter midge fly enticed
the strike, and Gaines needed 25 minutes to land the 73 cm cutthroat.
Once subdued, the fish was quickly measured and photographed before
being released alive to qualify Gaines for the potential new
All-Tackle Length record. The current IGFA record stands at 63 cm.