Highlights: Released 62 GTs between 9:30am - 2pm!!
UNBELIEVABLE - is the only way to describe our day.....Our day started well in the shallows with a triple hookup on red bass, followed by a huge bustoff on a 30kg GT on the light gear. After a few more trout and bass, we decided to fish our way west and start fishing some isolated reefs back towards our evening anchorage. This turned out to be a great plan, with one of the craziest GT sessions I've ever seen. We arrived at the reef to catch a 20kg Spaniard on a popper on the first cast, and then all hell broke loose. I can't recount everything, but it was literally a fish chasing every cast for the next 4 hours. Between 9:30am and 2pm we released 62 GTs ranging in size from about 8kg-22kg, as well as Spanish mackerel, barracuda, red bass and sharks. To say the fish were jumping in the boat is not an overstatement because GTs tried to jump in the boat chasing poppers on 2 occasions!! It was literally one of the most ridiculous sessions I have even witnessed, and we may never see anything like that again, but who knows!!! What a week it has been, and to finish the trip with such a crazy day fishing with guys who truly appreciated it was something we'll never forget.