The web site for best sportfishing news and reports from all over the world.

August 30, 2014

AUSTRALIA: huge mako shark attacks swordfish

A great huge quality video published on Vimeo by photographer Al Mc Glashan while fishing off Sydney, in Australia.

They spotted some birds and pulled up to find a freshly killed swordfish with a huge mako shark  around it.

August 27, 2014

MEXICO: huge 335 lb yellowfin tuna caught in Cabo

At the end of last week an angler fishing with " Gordo Banks Pangas " landed one of the largest yellowfin tuna ever caught in the area.

The monsters size yellowfin una weighed 335 pounds - 151.75 kg. This big fish was caught off La Playita in San Jose del Cabo, north of Cabo San Lucas on the Sea of Cortez.

The big fish was hooked on a trolled small skipjack tuna at Outer Gordo Bank. The yellowfin was landed after more than 2 hours and involved three different fishermen, on 80-pound-test line.

August 26, 2014

VIDEO: 483 pikes caught in 6 fishing days

Canada, 483 pikes caught in 6 fishing days....

RODRIGUES ISLAND: deep jig fishing

Rod Fishing Club based on the remote tropical island of Rodrigues in South Indian Ocean uploaded on their Youtube channel this video of a session of Jigging aboard "Black Marlin".

August 25, 2014

CUBA: video fly fishing for permit and bonefish

A great quality video from angler Joe Cattle; fly fishing for permit on the flats of Cayo Coco, Cuba.

August 23, 2014

ALASKA: angler catch a 335 lb halibut

Joung angler Jackson Hobbs  bought a $10 ticket into the "Homer Jackpot Halibut Derby" in Homer, Alaska  and went fishing for halibut.

He so landed in lass than 30 minutes of fight a 335 lb Pacific halibut while fishing with "Venturess" boat with Capt. Travis Larson of Alaska Premier Sportfishing.

His big fish surpassed the previous leader by 57 pounds, and would have been big enough to win 16 of the previous 28 derbies dating to the event’s beginning in 1986. The biggest derby winner weighed 376 pounds.

If his halibut remains the leader until the finish of the derby, (15 September) Hobbs will win $10,000, plus 50 cents per derby ticket sold.
Last year’s winner received $21,280, and four years ago the payout was  more than $40,000.

August 21, 2014

FLORIDA: huge goliath grouper eats 4 feet shark

A Youtube video published few days ago. A monster size goliath grouper eating a black tip shark in one bite off the coast of Bonita Springs in  Florida.

CALIFORNIA: 181 lb opha possible world record

On board the long range vassel Excel was caught on huge size opah fish and possible world record.

The boat was fishing in 190 feet of water near San Martin Island when angler Joe Ludlow hooked and boated a massive 181 lb opah.

This big fish is 18 pounds heavier than the existing world record. The IGFA (International Game Fish Association) lists as the all-tackle world record a 163-pound opah caught in October 1998 off San Luis Obispo in Central California.

The Excel captain Justin Fleck, ( said Ludlow was one of five anglers that hooked an opah at about the same time, soon after the boat had stopped over a school of yellowtail.

Most fishermen on board were fishing near the surface with bait but the five or six anglers dropped heavy lures into deeper waters, and suddenly all five were hooked into large fish that fought much differently than yellowtail.

When the first opah was spotted and identified, many customers stopped fishing and started following the five anglers around the boat.

Ludlow’s fish was the first to be brought over the rail, after a 35 minute fight.

The IGFA can take several weeks to approve or deny world-record applications.

See more opah pics at: Big Fishes of the World  web site.

VIDEO: how to catch a bull shark in a minute

Capt. Ben Chancey from the YouTube channel "Chew On This" invited BlackTipH Team to go fishing.
The goal was to to try the famous "Iron Man" fishing rod (a custom made unlimited blank).

They managed to get a bull shark boatside in less than one minute. I was shocked at how quickly we defeated this estimated 300 lb or more shark.

WORLD RECORD NEWS: hot catches of August 2014

Junior anglers dominate this week’s collection of Hot IGFA World Catches!

Angler Taylor De Shenk, age 12, caught an impressive 11.79 kg (26 lb) red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) while fishing with her father off Ponce Inlet, Florida, USA on July 25th. The young angler needed 12 minutes to subdue her potential Female Junior record, after it ate the live croaker she was fishing near the bottom. The current IGFA record is 10.97 kg (24 lb 3 oz).

On June 18th, Junior angler Kale’a Patricia Woodard potentially smashed the existing Female Junior record for white seabass (Atractoscion nobilis) with a 26.02 kg (57 lb 6 oz) fish she landed off the coast of Punta Colonett, Mexico. Woodard was drifting a live squid with Capt. Ramon Avila when the fish hit, and after an 8 minute fight, Woodard had the huge seabass bested. The current record is 17.49 kg (38 lb 9 oz).

Angler Richard Hart potentially broke the All-Tackle Length record for bowfin (Amia calva) on July 18th while fly fishing Lake Champlain, Vermont, USA with local guide Drew Price. Hart was casting a custom Bow Regard fly on 6 kg (12 lb) tippet, when the mudfish aggressively hit and proceeded to put up a 15 minute fight. Once subdued, the fish was measured at 73 cm before it was released alive. The current IGFA record is 70 cm.

California angler Daniel Hadawi, age 14, caught a potential Male Junior record California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) on July 1st while fishing out of Santa Rosa, California with Capt. Tucker McCombs aboard the Thermadyne. Hadawi needed 10 minutes to land the massive 24.89 kg (54 lb 14 oz) halibut after it ate the live squid he was drifting. The current IGFA record is 24.2 kg (53 lb 6 oz).

Angler Kevin F. McGrath of Roswell, Georgia, USA, recently returned from the Northwest Territories of Canada where he caught a potential new All-Tackle Length Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus). McGrath was fishing with guide Randy Lauzon on the Kazan River, and caught the fish on August 5th while fly casting a custom “Chernobyl Ant” fly. McGrath needed seven minutes to land the beautiful 48 cm grayling, which was released alive after the proper documentation. The current IGFA record is 45 cm.

August 09, 2014

TEXAS: caught and relesed 13 feet tiger shark

Islander Anglers member Alex Tompkins caught and released this impressive 13 feet Tiger Shark out of Port Aransas, in Texas.

After a quick boatside photo and a successful tag insert; a great catch, well done!

August 07, 2014

FLORIDA: bull shark attack tuna under the boat

On Youtube channel "Chew On This" TV just postedl a great shark attack video.

You can see a small tuna run through a bunch of big bull sharks just under the boat.


August 06, 2014

THAILAND: hot fly fishing action for big fishes

Here a short report from fishing guide Jean Francois Helias that operate in Thailand:

"Angler Phil Brownhill, has done particularly well for himself these very past days with a string of lovely catches on the fly.  

Starting first by landing on Aug 2 three species of carp, including the cautious and elusive Siamese giant carp (catlocarpio siamensis) and Catla carp (catla catla), two species that certainly less than 20 fly anglers on the planet can brag they have ever caught.

Also the highlight of his trip came yesterday Aug 05 when Phil had a hat trick of Arapaima (arapaima gigas) aka Pirarucu catches, estimated being respectively in the 120 lb (55 kg), 155 lòb (70 kg), and 175 lb (80 kg)  marks."

August 05, 2014

FLORIDA: monster size lemon shark caught

Codi Monroy caught an huge size lemon shark from the shore. while surf fishing on a beach in Palm Beach County, Florida.

The big lemon shark was around 9 foot  and weighed an estimated 300-350 pounds.

VIDEO: Topwater Bass Fishing Blowups

A wonderful bass video posted on Youtube just few days ago by Bass Fishing Alabama (

One of bass fishing's most coveted moments, the top water blowup. They often look like a shark attacking it's prey.

A fast moving frog is my favorite ways to get a big topwater strike, try it out! Great filming with perfect soundtrack.

August 03, 2014

US: three opah caught at same time

WOW!! A great catch! Here's the recent report from Pelagic Pro Team Captain Justin Fleck aboard Excel Long Range Sportfishing (

"We headed south on our Sogioka - Stires trip to fish for yellowtail at the island and ended up catching three opah in shallow water.

Armando Castillo 151 lb's, Joe Ludlow 180lb's, and Travis Savala 124lb's!!!

We hooked five of them all at the same time. Oh by the way, yellowtail fishing was good too."

You can see more opah imges and info at: Big Fishes of the World web site

August 01, 2014

VIDEO: fly fishing for tigerfish on Zambersi river

Matt Gorlei and his dad went on the trip with fishing guide Haydn Willians and fished for 5 days for probably the most badass specie of fish, tigerfish

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