Numbers were soaring all though the month, and the typical angler would boat 55-70 fish per day. A variety of baits would work, but crankbaits tend to rule the day.
Ryan Bostian, native of
The hot baits for El Salto during the spring to summer months are 8-inch Zoom Lizards, 5-
When it comes to technique and Lake El Salto anything goes, and it doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned angler or weekend angler. Everyone is at home with Anglers Inn International. The guides are tuned into the fish and can point anglers in the right direction.
Several patrons doted on the superb service of the staff, and more than we could count put their entire trust with our guides. “These guides are key to having success on the water here at Lake El Salto,” said Jimmy Webster. “You can trust they will put you in the best spots on the water. Our guide had us doing a medium retrieve on a citrus shad crankbait around 18-
Anglers Inn International introduced the best guide boat on the water in April, which is an 18’6” aluminum hull bass boat. With more deck space (2 large casting decks), length, width, storage space, elevated fishing seats, front & rear trolling motors this fishing machine is in a class by itself. There have already been many 10 pounders caught out of these boats with more to come.
Lake El Salto in June and July will be something to behold folks. Joe Thomas and Dennis Braid each filmed in the heat of the summer and absolutely hammered big fish. Their videos and other lake report videos can be viewed at www.anglersinn.tv.
Anglers Inn International is introducing a few summer specials for any level angler. The Super Season Specials can save potential anglers $500 on a regular 4 nights/3.5 days of fishing when celebrating the holidays with Anglers Inn International. American Airlines will now be offering flights from Dallas directly to Mazatlan so anglers looking for a quick route now have another option.
Potential anglers that want information about season-long specials and Anglers Inn International can visit www.anglersinn.com to find out more about our exciting new offers.
Our staff is widely known to be the best and at Anglers Inn International we pride ourselves on our service. We want any angler or non-angler to come enjoy the great amenities that we have to offer. I guarantee that you will enjoy your stay with our famed staff, excellent accommodations and the greatest bass fishing on the planet.
We also have an Anglers Inn Sportsman's Club Family Vacation Specialist and a Travel Specialist to assist you in every aspect of your vacation. Give us one shot at your family vacation. For more info or for booking your next Anglers Inn International adventure at either Lake El Salto, Lake Mateos or a saltwater fishing trip call 1-800-GOTA-FISH, (468-2347) or send an e-mail to info@anglersinn.com