July 08, 2013

HONG KONG: Anglers reel a 500 lb Pacific Blue Marlin

A great news for Honk Kong fishing anglers, a 498 pound - 226 kilos Pacific blue marlin was caught by 6  deep sea anglers on board "Warbird", 65 nautical miles due south of Aberdeen.

The fish took 3 and half hours to reel in aboard.

Angler Stuart  Kim of the "Mandarin Sports Fishing Club" said there had been no reports of a blue marlin catch in local waters for at least 15-20 years.

The team of fishermen, skippered by David Tuthill, 31, caught it last Sunday in perfect weather conditions near the Dongsha Islands.

Stuart, a 25 year veteran of the Hong Kong fishing community, said aslo: "It's extremely rare. They generally prowl 48 degrees north (of Hong Kong coasts) and 48 degrees south, so to be this far north is quite a way out of its normal range," he said.

Stuart believes the catch could help boost interest in fishing in Hong Kong.
