The IGFA Offshore World Championship has ended. The following winners were announced in one of Cabo fishing’s most prestigious tournaments:
First Place Team, “Islamorada Fish Club Captain's Cup Sailfish Tournament” team from Florida with 3400 points. They worked hard and Sam Worden and Hunter Barron tied for fourth place angler, each racking up 1400 points. Also tied for first place was the “IGFA Offshore World Champions 2010” with 3400 points. Not far behind in second place was the “IGFA Offshore World Championship2010 - 2nd Place ” team from the Bahamas with 3200 points. In third place was the “IGFA Offshore World Champions 2008” team, also from Florida with 2400 points. Also tied for third place was the “27th Treasure Cay Annual Billfish Tournament” team from Florida with 2400 points and second place angler Eddie Flack with 2200 points. The rest of the top ten teams were “N'Gor Marlin Cup 2010” from Senegal also with third place angler Jean Robin Dubochet, “S.A.D.S.A.A. Billfish Classic 2010” from South Africa, “Lyford Cay Offshore Tournament” from Florida, “Campeonato de pesca OPEN” from Brazil, and rounding out the top ten teams were the “IGFA Offshore World Champions 2003” from Bermuda and Virginia.
Picante Sportfishing’s captains scored big in the Top Captain category. Picante had three of the top five Captains. Ivan Gomez was second place winner, Antonio Romero was third and Daniel Carrera was tied for fourth.

The biggest surprise of the tournament was the Brazilian team “Torneio De Marlin Azul do Rio De Janeiro ” with their catch of a giant yellowfin tuna that weighed in at 226.2 lb .
Congratulations to the real sports fishermen in the group. They fish for the love of the sport. Thank you for your participation and fine showing of sportsmanship and fishing in Cabo San Lucas.