October 21, 2017

WORD RECORDS: hot catches of October 2017

Angler L. Mark Weeks potentially set the new men’s 8 kg (16 lb) tippet class world record for taimen (Hucho taimen) with this 27.25 kg (60 lb 1 oz) fish that he caught and released on October 4 while fly fishing Russia’s Munikan River. Weeks needed only five minutes to land the giant taimen after it ate the custom fly he was casting. If approved, the catch will replace the existing world record of 17.1 kg (37 lb 11 oz).

German angler Paul Hanke recently submitted this 14.01 kg (30 lb 15 oz) European hake (Merluccius merluccius) for the potential new All-Tackle world record. Hanke was fishing off Smola, Norway on September 7 when the hake ate the mackerel he was using for bait. Hanke fought the potential record fish for approximately 15 minutes before it was brought aboard. The current All-Tackle world record for this species is 13.24 kg (29 lb 2 oz).

Source: www.igfa.org