October 10, 2015

WORLD RECORDS: hot catches October 2015

Japanese angler Hiroyuki Koike caught and released an incredible 33.9 kg (74 lb 11 oz) Japanese Lates (akame) (Lates japonicus) - a species similar to the popular barramundi (Lates calcarifer) - that could become the new All-Tackle record. Koike was fishing Japan’s Urado Bay on August 5th, when the enormous akame inhaled the Gun Craft lure he was casting. Only five short minutes after hooking into his potential record, Koike had the fish subdued and proceeded to quickly document the catch before releasing it alive. The current IGFA record is 33 kg (72 lb 12 oz).

French angler Cyril Gressot caught this impressive 129 cm leerfish (Garrick) (Lichia amia) which could become the new All-Takcle Length world record. Gressot was casting a silver spoon outside of Port Saint Louis, France on August 12th, when he hooked up to the massive leerfish. After a hard-fought 20 minute battle, Gressot was finally able to subdue the fish, which he quickly documented and released alive. The current IGFA All-Tackle Length record for this species is vacant.

On a recent trip to Canada’s Northwest Territory, Aussie angler Frank Bluch caught and released what could become the new men’s 6 kg (12 lb) tippet record for Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus). Bluch was casting a black muddy buddy fly from the shoreline of the Tree River, when he hooked into this 8.1 kg (17 lb 13 oz) char that he fought for nearly 10 minutes. Once landed, Bluch quickly documented his catch and released it alive. The current IGFA record is 7.94 kg (17 lb 8 oz).

While fishing Bolivia’s Rio Tarija on August 10th, Colombian angler Alejandro Linares caught this beautiful 13.61 kg (30 lb) dorado (Salminus brasiliensis) that could become a new world record. Linares was casting a popper from the banks of the Tarija, when the massive dorado exploded on his lure. Nearly 30 minutes after hooking up, Linares was finally able to land the fish. If approved, the catch will earn him the new men’s 8 kg (16 lb) line class record, which currently stands at 9.07 kg (20 lb).
