September 11, 2015

WORLD RECORDS: hot catches September 2015

Japanese angler Tadashi Yamanaka recently landed an enormous 74 kg greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) that could possibly become the new All-Tackle World Record. Yamanaka caught the massive AJ while bottom fishing with squid off of Tokyo, Japan on June 22nd. Once hooked, the notoriously hard-fighting amberjack put up a tough 20 minute fight that tested the heavy tackle gear Yamanaka was using. If approved, the catch would replace both the existing All-Tackle record which stands at 71.15 kg, as well as the men's 60 kg line class record which stands at 64.41 kg.

Kiwi angler Donna Pascoe – who set the All-Tackle record for Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) last year - recently submitted another potential world record tuna, but this time for southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii). Pasoce was fishing aboard the Gladiator off New Zealand’s Great Barrier Island on August 10th, when they received word that the southern bluefin were nearby. After repositioning the boat, spotting whales, and deploying their spread, it wasn’t long before Pascoe’s Shimano Tiagra 80W reel started screaming. After a relatively short fight of about 15 minutes, the fish was leadered and brought aboard. The fish officially weighed in at the Whitianga weigh at 80.54 kg - heavy enough to qualify Pascoe for the potential new women’s 60 kg line class record.
