August 20, 2013

NEW ZEALAND: hot action with huge bluefin tunas

Here a recent fishing report from Enchanter Fishing Charters in New Zealand:

"With a keen group of Chinese fishers armed with there own camera man for Chinese TV and heavy stand up gear to do battle with the giant bluefin tuna, the boys got more than what they bargained for with the first fish ripping them off their feet and around the cockpit like rag dolls.

Took the best part of two hours hrs to bring the first one to the boat and when pulled aboard taped out at a massive 630 pound - 285 kg first fish for the season and what a stunner, three hours later the next was hooked and brought to the boat in very short time  of 50 minutes, the fish was released estimated 520 lb -  250 kg.

The boys have to wait 3 more hours before the next one was hooked and played for two and half hour before the tag was placed an fish released at 575 lb - 260 kg , then again first bait was bit only to break off shortly after ,great first night boys were stoked with there first taste of these monsters.

Night 2:  we had 35 knots reluctantly we had to turn away and back home.

Night 3: we had the weather broken and us back on the fish, took half the night to get a bite only to break it off dam, one hour later we got hooked up again and sadly the fish died in the fight and came to the boat with no life so pulled aboard an taped out at 600 lb - 272 kg."