August 29, 2013

KENYA: yellowfin tuna schoos arrived

Here the last Kingfisher fishing report from Kenya (Africa).

The reports are in and weigh-ins confirmed. The Yellofin tuna have arrived along Kenya coasts. From what our friends at "Sea Adventures" are saying, after a 9 year absence some very large fish indeed are moving into our waters.

We are excited and have wasted no time in getting out there. Our boats have been out to North Kenya Banks and Watamu banks over the past week and have landed some fine speciman's. A total of 36 fish weighing 2400 lb - 1083 kgs caught in 2 days, the biggest one weighing in at 45 kgs and smallest at 21 kgs.

Watch out for our monthly newsletter which will be posted in the next few days. In it we'll talk in more detail about the 'great tuna turn-on' and share some action shots. In the meantime, start preparing the soy, wasabi and sticky rice...the sashimi is on the way