June 21, 2013

ARGENTINA: Jurassic Lake - 1,100 trout in only 6 days!!

The famous lake Strobel or Jurassic Lake in Patagonia, Argentina has a reputation unlike almost any other fishing destination.

Stories of almost unlimited numbers of Rainbow Trout abound! Myth, marketing hyperbole or fishermen's fantastical ego's at work?

Flyfishers kick off their two week expedition to Argentina with a week at Jurassic Lake in 2013...and what a week...1,100 trout in 6 days...average 6 to 10 lb...by 3 anglers!!!!!

Three fish were landed for the week that went over 20 lbs, many were lost at the net.

It was so common raising fish to the fly literally every cast and about every third or so cast would end in a fish smashing it and powering off into the lake. The average size of fish was rising too as I nailed fish after fish in double figure range.
