March 15, 2013

CAPE VERDE: hot blue marlin action

Here the last report from Captain Zak Conde on Amelia operanting in Capo Verde islands in the middle of Atlantic Ocean:

"five days ago on the way to Sao Vicente, Ronnie and Lino hat two on two (300 lbs and 500 lbs).
We fished altogether ten days and we had 3 for3 at the end of our trip.
We start fishing 4 days ago with angler Thomas Petersen and his friend Kent from Denmark.
Day one, we left Sao Vicente direct to Sao Nicolau island and had nothing on the way.
On day two we had a triple header and caught one.

Yesterday we had3 for 3; a 450 lbs, 250 lbs and a 350 lbs).
Today we had a great day with 4 on 4 (400 lbs, 300 lbs, 350 lbs and a small250 lbs). We raced two more but they didn’t bite."