January 23, 2013

KENYA: hot action off Malindi

Here the last report from Kingfisher in Kenya: " Another busy week has gone by and it will definitely be remembered for the vast amounts of sailfish off Malindi. There were quite a few days when boats were coming back with both out riggers full of red flags. The amount of fish being seen is synonymous with November\December fishing and after a relatively slow November\December this year one wonders if the season is running later than normal! We have all felt that the last three or four years have been late with good marlin fishing running into April and the strong wind and rain that we normally get in May not starting until mid June. Although there are still marlin out on the “rips” there were not so many seen as the week before. Having said that, more boats were fishing off Malindi for sailfish rather than heading out for marlin. The weather is getting hotter and stickier by the day and I think that goes for the whole country not just the coast. The rain has well and truly disappeared and we won’t expect any until late April.

On the 15th Neptune was out with Roger, Dicky, Colin and John from the UK. Apart from John they have been coming to Malindi and fishing with us for many years now but this was the first time they fished with Angus. They added to their six sailfish of the day before with another seven as well as a wahoo, kingfish, dorado and bait fish. Eclare went out to the “rips” with Lindsay Casserley but they didn’t have any luck on the marlin side and ended up with two sailfish. Snark, fishing with Werner Wirtz , had a very slow day and by three o clock they only had a few bait fish. However, as we all know the beauty of fishing is that it is not all over until the fat lady sings and as long as you have a hook in the water there is always that chance! For Werner this came in the form of a lovely black marlin in the 90kg to 100kg range. It took a bait on 30 lb line as they were heading in to Watamu and after a good fight they managed to tag and release it. A very nice fish on 30 lb line so well done Werner!

On the 16th Neptune was out with Alfons and Rudy from Belgium. Every two years the Belgium Big Game Fishing Club holds a tournament in Malindi and Alfons and Rudy are part of that group and they were getting in a practice day before the tournament. It was a perfect day for practice as they didn’t stop the whole day! The sailfish were relentless and at the end of the day they had thirteen as well as five wahoo! Tina continued her amazing marlin run with a very nice striped marlin and two sailfish.

On the 17th only Neptune was out and Roger, Dicky ,Colin and John opted to try for marlin all day out in the deep. Sadly they didn’t have any luck with the marlin and a sailfish, a wahoo and five dorado was their tally at the end of the day.

The 18th was Roger and co’s last day out and they ended on a bang with twelve sailfish a wahoo and a good barracuda of 13 kgs. Snowgoose had fourteen sailfish with part of the Werner Gruber group and Tina fishing with the other half had seven.

On the 19th Neptune had a manic sailfish day again with eleven while Eclare and Snowgoose both had successful days out on the “rips” tagging a striped marlin and a sailfish each. Tina opted for the Malindi sailfish option as well and they had five sailfish and three wahoo with Jonas Otto, Karl Jendrusch and Albrecht Schoppmeier on board.

The 20th was the first day of the Belgian Big Game Fishing Championship. There are five teams taking part and each team is made up off two anglers. The teams rotate boats so each day they fish on a different boat. The team on Snark started very well with eleven sailfish! Neptune had seven while Snowgoose, Eclare and Tina opted to go out and look for marlin and unfortunately the gamble did not pay off and they all blanked. That’s the way it goes with marlin fishing I suppose and one must be prepared to take that risk.

We are entering tournament time now, and this weekend it’s the Delamare which is held out of Kilifi. The Malindi Billfish International will be held over the 15th to 17th and although we don’t have any major sponsors it threatens to be another successful event.