October 07, 2012

RUSSIA: Umba report from Kola peninsula

A salmon fishing report for Umba river in Kola Peninsula in Norther Russia from Salmonjunkies: "With only 2 weeks left of the season in Umba, we can conclude that this autumn has been very generous to our all our many wonderful and loyal guests. Almost every evening during September we celebrated new members in our Twenty Pounds club. What a great season
Unfortunately our first August weeks was pretty skinny booked, with only some few rods fishing Umba.

A common misconception is, that August is not as productive as September and October months. However August can be as good as any of the later weeks. That became obviously when Rolf Berliat caught a fantastic 29Lbs Chrome sealiced salmon in Lowe Rat pool (The second largest salmon this season). Christoph Meyer and Uwe Kopp average Third week in August more than twenty salmon each, with 2 huge +20Lbs salmon to Uwe

Last week in August:
In this week we went from late summer to autumn - the surrounding forest literally exploded in a spectacular mix of colours along the banks of Umba river.

Largest salmon caught was following:
29 salmon between 10Lbs -14 Lbs
16 salmon between 15Lbs -19Lbs
2 salmon between 20Lbs - 24Lbs.

The first week in September:

September is a spectacular period in Umba with autumn colors making a fantastic scenery for the eye and the camera. There is simply nothing like it. Now the warm weather turns into crispy cold mornings and water temperature drops, but anyhow with salmon quite aggressive busy in the pools.

The fishing hours on the river get shorter as darkness of the night appears much earlier. But then there is time for a Scotch or a glass of wine. Time for talk and tales around the fireplace in the lodge: “The huge salmon that was lost” or “The beautiful ones that was caught”; “The bear that was seen only 100 feet away crossing the river”.... Autumn in Umba is a very special time of the year.

Largest salmon caught was following:
14 salmon between10Lbs – 14Lbs
6 salmon between 15 Lbs – 19Lbs
2 salmon between 20Lbs – 24Lbs
1 salmon between 25Lbs – 29Lbs
