June 16, 2012

NORWAY: Atlantic salmon report on Gaula river

The fishing during the last few days has been very good on all our Lower Beats. It seems that the fishing gets better and better every day and at the moment it is difficult to follow up on all that is going on in time as a new catch report is coming in all the time from our fishermen. The biggest fish so far has been caught this morning by Charles Barrett jr. – a beautiful cock fish of 13,5kg (almost 30lb) which has been released after being weighted in one of our nets. But we will try to list all the catches accordingly to the time schedule. After the latest update the day continued very well for Mortan Carlsen from the Faroe Islands. He caught two fish on our Beat E1 during the evening session. The first fish was a medium sized salmon of about 5kg (11lb) which has been released. The 2nd fish was a good one of 9kg (19.8lb) and was bleeding badly, so Mortan had to keep the salmon.

Also our Norwegian guests Tommy Risnes and Stig Engstrøm had a great night on Beat E1. They caught 3 fish and lost several. Tommy is here fishing with us for the first time, but it did not take long until he landed his first two NFC-fish. The first salmon he caught he estimated to weight about 7kg (15lb) and he released it.
