April 24, 2012

RODRIGUES: fishing report from Rod Fishing Club

06 and 07 March  2012 - Black Marlin Team

Yann and his crew Steeve and Mario, and Sophie his sister, took advantage of a two days nice weather window (after several cyclonic depressions) in order to make a 34 hours  “tests” trip on the Eastern Bank. We wanted to test two new settings. Marlins’ Boulevard has honoured once again his reputation with a blue marlin of 120kg and some beautiful yellowfin tunas between 20 and 30 kg. Two more black marlins about 140 kg and 160 kg welcomed the arrival of the Black Marlin on the Bank. After quite a good night sleeping, at 7.30 AM, we embarked a fourth marlin of 120 kg. A fifth unhooked at 9.30 AM. This “tests” trip then confirmed the efficiency of the new marlin setting (4 out of 5) and the necessity to carry on the research concerning the second one.

10 to 13 March 2012  - The Royal Safari Team
This team which came straight out of Russia first went for a one day trip, to get used to the boat, the crew and the usual fish of Rodrigues, including a beautiful marlin of 180 kg. From 8.00 AM the following day, they leave for a 46 hour trip on the Eastern Bank, by a tonic sea. Beautiful yellowfin tunas, wahoos, dorados and doggies, including one of 71 kg, the 175th over 50 kg of the club, and another marlin about 100 kg came to complete this trip.

 15 and 28 March  2012- Thierry
For his 7th year, Thierry wanted to fish on his own. He wanted to catch a marlin…so he caught beautiful yellowfin tunas between 18 and 20 kg, doggies (of 43 kg for the biggest) and rainbow runners. For the marlin… let’s meet on the 28th!
On the 28th March, with a fully formed but passable sea, Thierry warmed up with about twenty pieces of fish: beautiful yellowfin tunas, wahoos, dorados, skipjack tunas… but no marlin still! See you next year Thierry!

17 to 26 March  2012– The A Team (from the East of France)

For the 6th time, Jean Charles and Freddy came with Gérard, Patrick, Jean Luc and their wives. The first day with Evelyne and Véronique, with a rough sea, enabled them to catch the usual panel of Rodrigues’ fish, including a doggy of 42 kg. On the eastern Bank, the 5 men caught beautiful yellowfin tunas and nice skipjack tunas about 15 kg. For the last 34 hour trip around Rodrigues, Jean Charles and Patrick had fun with yellowfin tunas over 20 kg, wahoos, dorados and a black marlin of 130 kg. As usual, good mood was as high as the rodriguan sea
