April 13, 2012


Catfish fans, take note: a 32 year old record, and the oldest current standing record for blue catfish (Ictalurusfurcatus), is being challenged! Two young female anglers are also making waves with potential records this month, along with catches from Argentina, Colombia, Mauritius, and the Florida Keys, North Carolina, and Tennessee in the United States. Read on for updates on the hottest record applications we have received at IGFA headquarters this month.

French angler Marie Edwige Madeleine Foret,recently traveled to the island of Mauritius to target some of the great pelagic species found along the island nation. The young angler was not disappointed as she landed a 9.5 kg (20 lb 15 oz) dogtooth tuna (Gymnosardaunicolor) while fishing with local guide Yann Colas on Feb. 15, 2012. Marie needed only 6 minutes to land this potential new Female Junior record after it nailed the Mann’s Magnum lure they were trolling. The current IGFA record, set in April 2004 in Rabaul, Papua New Guinea, is 2 kg (4 lb 6 oz).

IGFA Representative Peter F. Binaski of Costa Mesa, California, USA, landed a beautiful 7.7 kg (17 lb) dorado (Salminusbrasiliensis) to qualify for the potential 4 kg (8 lb) tippet class record. Binaski, who currently holds this tippet-class record as well as the 3 kg (6 lb) and 6 kg (12 lb) records for the species, was fishing with local guide ElbioBordon in Concordia, Argentina on Jan. 6, 2012 when his fish ate a well-presented deceiver fly. After a tense 17 minute fight, Binaski landed the fish and quickly released it after completing the necessary documentation. Binaski’s current IGFA record stands at 6.58 kg (14 lb 8 oz). 

Judging by this new record submission for bonnethead shark (Sphyrnatiburo), angler Dotty Ballantyne has been taking advantage of the rich fishing grounds in Key West. Fishing with local captain Doug Kilpatrick on Mar. 14, 2012, Dotty was able to coax a 4.2 kg (9 lb 4 oz) bonnethead to eat a custom baitfish fly. After a 10 minute fight over the flats, Ballantyne was able to successfully catch and release the new potential 3 kg (6 lb) tippet class record. If approved, this will be the 90th tippet-class record for the fly fishing aficionado, 27 of which have been for species of sharks. The current IGFA record is 3.18 kg (7 lb) and was set in McClellanville, South Carolina, USA late last year.

Angler Joshua D. Lee drove south from his hometown of Manassas, Virginia, USA to do some surf fishing on Ocracoke Island, North Carolina on Mar. 23, 2012. Soaking a fresh chunk of mullet, Lee was able to entice a hearty 110 cm red drum (Sciaenopsocellatus) to bite. After fighting the fish for 13 minutes, Lee was able to land and properly document the fish before releasing it alive, potentially earning him a new All-Tackle Length record. The current IGFA record is 107 cm and was set on Fisherman’s Island, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, USA, but seven line class records for this species have also been set along Lee’s hunting ground on Ocracoke.

Smallfry angler Brielle Bennett brought up a black grouper (Mycteropercabonaci) while fishing off Key West, Florida, USA on Mar. 24, 2012 with her uncle, Captain Brian Bennett. The young angler, who took first place in the Female Smallfry division of world records last year, needed 10 minutes to land the 17.24 kg (38 lb) black after it ate the live goggle eye she had on the bottom. After bringing the fish aboard for a quick picture and documentation, this potential new Female Smallfry record – Bennett’s first of the year – was released to swim another day. Less than half the size of Bennett’s catch, the current IGFA record stands at 6.35 kg (14).

Angler Raymond Heredia Orosco of Highland, Indiana, USA, recently traveled to Colombia for a change of scenery and to do some freshwater fishing. Fishing in a private pond outside of Caicedonia, Colombia on Mar. 7, 2012, Raymond landed a huge tambaqui (Colossomamacropomum) after it ate guayaba fruit, and took him for a 17 minute fight. Weighing a whopping 16.78 kg (37 lb) before it was released alive,Orosco’s fish easily qualifies for the potential new 3 kg (6 lb) line class record.  The current IGFA record was set nearly twelve years ago with a 9.97 kg (22 lb) catch made in the Teles Pires River in Brazil.

Angler Eric Maurer was fishing the Chickamauga Lake, Tennessee when he landed a potential 37 kg (80 lb) line class record for blue catfish (Ictalurusfurcatus) – a species for which he has already achieved five world records from the same location, but most on 60 kg (130 lb) line class. Maurer was fishing with cut skipjack herring on Mar. 15, 2012 when the 37.65 kg (83 lb) monster hit and after a 15 minute fight, Maurer had the fish subdued. He quickly took the necessary measurements and photos before releasing the fish alive. The current IGFA record stands at 36.28 kg (80 lb) and was set in 1980 – making it the oldest record still standing for the species.