December 12, 2011

AUSTRALIA: Black Marlin travels over 1200 miles in less than 1/2 a year!

Recapture of BF410578- On December 22nd, 2008 this black marlin was tagged off of the Gold Coast of Australia aboard the boat "Lucky Strike" by angler Nick Burke and Captain Ross McCubbin. Twenty minutes after hooking up to this black marlin on an artificial bait, the black marlin was estimated to be 60 inches long and weigh 65 pounds and the fish was tagged and released in excellent condition. On June 9, 2009 and after 169 days at large, this black marlin was recaptured off of Alotau, Papua New Guinea where it had grown to a length of 63 inches and had traveled more than 1200 miles from its original tagging location!! Check out the track of this amazing migration!

TBF hopes you all enjoy seeing where some of our tagged billfish have gone. TBF will now will be releasing periodic posts of our recapture track maps throughout the year on Facebook and here on our website. Please make sure you are Fan of TBF on Facebook. If you have any questions please let us know and keep on tagging! We would love to see and hear more of your tagging stories, contact us.

*please note the "push pin" is where the billfish was originally tagged and the "fishing icon" is where billfish was recaptured.

The Billfish Foundation: