November 06, 2011

CONGO: Tiger Fish Camp report of goliath tigerfish catch

Helgard is a very good fisherman and listened carefully to everything I said a few days.

 His goal was to catch a goliath in flyfishing and he missed two one of which was approximately 15 kg ... what a pity Helgard!
 But he want to see a goliath tigerfish  very close, so i propose to him to hang a live or a dead fish on two rods, lines at 1m50 under the water and spaces by 2m from the boat.

 Fishing begins and we derive from 20 minutes when suddenly I see Mbenga to a sounder and it is 15 m below the boat (I Helgard already explained that Mbenga was not afraid of the engine and often I drew and excited by putting the engine on) then seeing the fish, I put the engine on and Immediately I see Mbenga up 5 m to the surface and I just time to say "is coming up" .... the rod is twisted with incredible speed and the wire runs at full speed ... it was mounted 15 m in 4 seconds, takes fermly his rod, it takes only 4 or 5 seconds and picks Mbenga is ... aie aie How unfortunate that my poor Helgard was especially seem to be following the bite very beautiful! And I must tell you that two rods were in the water and 4 m apart and each had the same catfish with the same proportions except that was with a cane a live fish and the other with a dead fish and it is the death was attacked! ... I again explained that the Helgard fish dead or alive did not matter and that it was who was first on the road that Mbenga would attack.

 15 minutes is going on and we continue to drift and I ask Helgard (See where we are) Well, to some casting with a lure that I give him and replace his fly that my taste was a bit small ... Helgard launches 5 to 6 times when suddenly a lightning attack of its lure is just before back to the boat and the fight begins for 20 minutes and during which I recommend so that he can finally see his first Mbenga in the boat, and you're done! I leave the fish in water in a bag so as not to damage it very quickly and we take three pictures... and I shall give up his sleeve on Mbenga that is delivered into the water, I stir gently to the tail to activate its gills and there he moves on its own .. I loose and out of the bag gently to go back to the depths ... bye goliath tigerfish bye ... it was 23 kg

 Helgard is a fan of "NO KILL" and I was very pleased with him show my mystical fish and meets one of my goliath tigefish - mbenga I protect as I can!