October 17, 2011

A New Future for the Atlantic Salmon Reserve

As many of you will already have heard Peter Power, the founder of the Atlantic Salmon Reserve, has stepped down and handed over control and ownership to Vladimir Rybalchenko.  Peter's vision, forethought and ruthless attention to detail has almost certainly done more to preserve the integrity of the Atlantic Salmon fishing in Russia than anyone else, past or present.   His successor, Vladimir, whose passion for salmon fishing and the ASR is unmatched, has undertaken the role of preserving the integrity and ethos of the ASR whilst continuing to maintain and improve its appeal for all.

For the 2012 season there will be a few pleasant changes, most notably a reduction in the rod numbers across the weeks as well as an overall reduction in the prices.   It is hoped that veterans of the ASR will show their continued support to this remarkable destination.  Equally those keen to experience what must be some of the most exciting salmon fishing on the planet will hopefully join us on the rivers next year.