September 28, 2011

CANADA: End season report from Wollasto Lake Lodge

We continue to hear, year after year, that there is nothing quite like the "Wollaston Experience". We still take pride in making it a unique and personal adventure for each and every guest, and that's the way we think it should be.

 The summer of 2011 made for some great memories. Here are just a few of the highlights; with close to 50,000 fish caught this season, the action was definitely there. On the trophy side of things, we had one day alone where sixty-four Northern Pike 40 inches or better were caught. There were three Northern Pike over 50 inches landed this season - truly a fish of a lifetime! How's that for great fishing opportunity? Not uncommon, some of our biggest Northern Pike fishing came in August on Wollaston Lake itself. The Wollaston Grand Slam, made up of Northern Pike, Lake Trout, Walleye and Arctic Grayling, saw more guests adding their names to that elite club. With highlights like this, it's no wonder guests feel they can come back year after year for action and trophy fishing opportunities!
If you're hungry to see some fishing action from this past summer, stay tuned for future newsletters, and watch for for Babe Winkelman's winter TV schedule. As a guest at the lodge in 2011, he took home some great memories too. YouTube fans can tune in to our Wollaston Lake Lodge channel at for some hot action.