August 20, 2011

Australia latest Fishing Reports

It seems like the good weather has paid off all round. While I reported yesterday that a few light tackle black marlin and sailfish have shown up in the north (as well as a 400lb black marlin on Opal Ridge), fishing elsewhere has been pretty good as well as boats take advantage of some better weather.
Rob Wood tells me that the sails have also arrived off the spit at Fraser Island. Rob tagged one while passing through the shallow water last week and reports that there is plenty of bait in the area with some good size fish spotted on the sounder. Black marlin have also turned up at 1770 within 3 km of the coast. Rob says the arrival of the small blacks in August usually coincides with a good years game fishing in the area so we're looking forward to hearing more!
Meanwhile, the big bluefin have turned up wide of Sydney with fish to 90kg weighed on Saturday while Ivan Bennett on Ambition got a 60kg fish on Sunday and weighed another 130.5kg!! Mark Curtis tells me the weather will probably shut it all down tomorrow but in the meantime, boats in numbers are getting great quality fish!

Kelly Dalling Fallon - Black Marlin Fishing Blog