July 22, 2011

Ireland: salmon of 19lbs 7oz

David McEvoy at Delphi Lodge has some great fishing to report, including two of the heaviest salmon for many years. Mark Corps, angling advisor with IFI, landed a magnificent 18lbs 10oz salmon last week, the heaviest salmon landed at Delphi since 1986. However, this mark didn’t last for long, as this week Urs Leibundgut landed another massive fish, this time a salmon of 19lbs 7oz! The killer fly was indeed rather unusual. The salmon was taken on a tungsten beaded nymph tied on a size 10 single with hair from his neighbour’s cat in Zurich. The fly is aptly called the “Neighbours Cat”. We have been told by Urs that there is a patent on the fly and the cat!
This fish now replaces Nigel Saxby-Soffe’s fish of 19lbs 1oz on 26th August 1986 as the biggest Delphi salmon of the modern era, the biggest before that was a 21lbs fish.