March 16, 2011

Giant Alligator Gar caught at Chotard Lake USA

I think the fish was a female because we raised it to weigh it, yellow fluid and perhaps eggs came out.
Total Length (TL) - 254.7 cm (8 feet 5 ‘ inches) taken by Matt Roberts
Standard Length (SL) - 214.6 cm (7 feet 11 1/16 inches) taken by Matt Roberts
Girth - 121.8 cm or 47.95 inches (taken by Dennis Riecke and Matt Roberts).
Weight on 2/15/11 at around 11:00 am - 327 pounds
Weight on 2/15/11 at around 11:00 am with weighing straps - 328.5 pounds.
Weighed on Ricky Flynt's scales on 2/15/11
Weight on 2/14/11 at Kee's or Key's metal salvage place around Vicksburg - 326 pounds.
Caught on 2/14/11 at Chotard Lake, MS in a net
Refrigerated at Dave's Custom Meats on 2/14/11 until pickup by Museum personnel on the morning of 2/15/11
Excellent condition on arrival at Museum.
Attached pictures were taken by Ricky Flynt, MDWFP.
Donated to the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science for mounting and permanent display.